
30 Days Of JavaScript Awesome

Submit your PR on this new repo Hacktoberfest , There I am merging all PR.

In this current repo, there are a lot of conflicts, I am not merging until all conflicts get resolved. Hacktoberfest {Live Website}

This is a beginner-friendly project to help you get started with your hacktoberfest. If you don’t know where to start, feel free to watch the videos linked below, and read the contribution rules. Happy Learning <3 💙 !!

P.S. Star ⭐ and Share this repository, if you had fun!! 😍

📌 Videos 📽️:

Contribution Rules📚:

Getting Started 🤩🤗:

git clone https://github.com/tarunbisht-24/30-Days-Javascript.git
git checkout -b my-new-branch
git add .
git commit -m "Relevant message"

Avoid Conflicts {Syncing your fork}

An easy way to avoid conflicts is to add an ‘upstream’ for your git repo, as other PR’s may be merged while you’re working on your branch/fork.

git remote add upstream https://github.com/tarunbisht-24/30-Days-Javascript

You can verify that the new remote has been added by typing

git remote -v

To pull any new changes from your parent repo simply run

git merge upstream/master

This will give you any eventual conflicts and allow you to easily solve them in your repo. It’s a good idea to use it frequently in between your own commits to make sure that your repo is up to date with its parent.

For more information on syncing forks read this article from Github.

Swags of Hacktoberfest:

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

I will do my best to merge as much as possible from everyone. However, time is limited and the merge conflicts are horrible :astonished: <3

Our Top Contributors

View Live Demo

Day Name
1 Drum Kit
2 Analog Clock
3 CSS Variables
4 JS Array Cardio
5 Flexbox Panel Gallery
6 Type Ahead
7 Array Cardio Day 2
8 Fun with HTML5 Canvas
9 Dev Tools Domination
10 Hold Shift and Check Checkboxes
11 Custom Video Player
12 Key Sequence Detection
13 Slide in on Scroll
14 JavaScript References VS Copying
15 LocalStorage
16 Mouse Move Shadow
17 Sort Without Articles
18 Adding Up Times with Reduce
19 Traffic Lights
20 Levitate Board
21 Wave Effect
22 Zoom Effect
23 Drawing Pad
24 Word Counter
25 Weather App
26 Calculator
27 Memory Matching Game
28 Music Player
29 To Do List
30 Tic Tac Toe


This project follows the MIT License.

Made with ♥ by Tarun Bisht